
Traumatic Brain Injury and the Role of Brain Injury Support for Veterans

Summary: In this blog, we will explore the effects of TBI, the importance of brain injury support for veterans, and the significance of donating to organizations that aid veterans with brain injuries. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a debilitating condition that can have significant physical, cognitive, and emotional impacts on individuals. Veterans are particularly susceptible to TBIs due to their involvement in combat and other military-related activities.

How Brain Injury Support Services Are Making a Difference?

  The most common cause of traumatic brain damage is a severe blow to the head or body. Traumatic brain damage may also result from an item passing through the brain tissue, such as a gunshot or a piece of fractured skull bone. Therefore, Brain Injury Support Services helps people with brain injuries in their quest for productive employment.   Your brain cells may have a brief detrimental effect from mild traumatic brain damage. A more severe traumatic braininjury may result in bleeding, tissue damage, bruising, and other physical harm to the brain. These wounds may have long-term effects or possibly be fatal.   TBIs can affect anybody, although men account for about 80% of all cases. TBIs also occur more often in adults over 65. This age group is more prone to falling and striking their heads when they lose their equilibrium. However, even young children can get traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) from accidents like falling from a bed or changing tables, or, less ...

How an Aneurysm Support Group Can Change Your Life

  Summary: In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of joining an aneurysm support group and how it can transform your journey toward healing and recovery. Get ready to discover a whole new world of comfort, understanding, and empowerment! Introduction Have you or someone you love been affected by an aneurysm? It can be a scary and isolating experience, but there is hope. Joining an aneurysm support group can change your life in ways you never thought possible. From finding emotional support to learning about the latest treatments and techniques, being part of a community that understands your struggles can make all the difference. What is an Aneurysm? An aneurysm is a balloon-like bulge in an artery. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. An aneurysm can occur anywhere in your body but most commonly develops in your brain or along the route of the aorta (the large artery that carries blood from your heart to the rest of ...
  Rebuilding Lives Again: How A Stroke Support Group Is Helping Survivors Of Traumatic Brain Injury Summary: In this blog post, we'll explore how this stroke support group is helping TBI survivors and what impact it's having on their recovery journey. With the help of this incredible support network, many survivors can regain control of their lives and start looking toward brighter futures post-TBI. Introduction Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can have a devastating impact on the lives of survivors, leaving them in need of both physical and emotional support. But for many survivors, help can be hard to find. That's why one stroke support group in the UK has set up a unique initiative to provide meaningful support to TBI survivors. By tapping into the power of community, they focus on helping patients rebuild their lives and face the challenges of a traumatic brain injury. The stroke support group, based in London, was founded by a team of volunteers who had all experien...

What Are Causes of Brain Stroke & Its Treatment

  Summary: Stroke, also called cerebrovascular accident or brain attack, is a sudden impairment of cerebral circulation in one or more of the blood vessels supplying the brain. Strokes interrupt the oxygen supply to the brain tissues and can cause serious damage. For anyone who has suffered a stroke, it is vitally important to restore normal circulation as soon as possible to limit damage to the brain tissues. The number still hovers around the 30% and stroke could soon be the most common cause of death worldwide. Of those who do survive, about half remain permanently disabled and many experience a recurrence within weeks, months or years.

How to Get Treatment for Serious Brain Injuries

  Summary: Brain injury is one of the prima ry causes of death in people under the age of 45. Many who suffer slight to moderate injury do not appear to be injured and they have few outward bodily manifestations of personal injuries. Living independently is important for many of today's seniors. With the benefits of living alone though come plenty of risks. Protecting yourself from risks like traumatic brain injury resulting from fall related injuries is one way that you can greatly increase the length of your independence.

How People Can Deal With Brain Injuries & Support

  Summary: A trauma to the head can cause an equal trauma to the brain. This is commonly known as a brain injury of which there are two types, a concussion and a contusion. The concussion is a situation in which the brain is shaken and disturbed. The effects can be traumatic for the victim and their loved ones. Most people do not think about what they would do if they or a loved one suffered a brain injury. Most injuries result from a blow to the head as the result of vehicle and motorcycle accidents, slips and falls, sports injuries, and assault. Those injuries can also be acquired through near drowning, aneurisms, seizures and strokes.